According to the «World Health Organization», approximately 1 billion smokers account for 7.5 billion of the world's population. Every year, tobacco users smoke 5.7 billion cigarettes and throw away about 1 million tons of cigarette butts, according to analysts of the American initiative group «The Tobacco Atlas»: tons of cigarette butts are harmful not only to the environment, but also to people, because they consist of cellulose acetate, a product that is practically not decomposed in natural conditions. Meanwhile, from an economic point of view, the annual profit of tobacco corporations is impressive - $700 billion, but the super-profits of tobacco producers are too expensive for humanity - over the past century, as many people died from the effects of smoking as during the two world wars - about 100 million. Today, the mortality caused by the consequences of smoking in the world is in the first place, according to WHO experts. Every six seconds on the planet from diseases cau...