Nowadays we can find such an epithet about procrastination as "Procrastination is a disease of the XXI century". It was from the 70s that many psychologists began to write about procrastination, paying attention to this phenomenon because of its spread and destructive consequences. People are waiting for the New Year, for good weather and for the right moment to change their lives. They wait until the end of life.
Every day people make a promise to themselves to change something: to quit a hateful job, to start exercising, to stop spending time in social networks. But they always find excuses to postpone the change: the wrong time, the mood, the economic situation. And everyone's list of such cases and the situation is very different and can contain quite a few items. And even if you have only one item on this list, it still interferes with a normal life. What to do? Fight this unpleasant phenomenon.
About 25% of American adults consider procrastination a major trait of their personality. And 46% to 95% of students consider themselves to be avid procrastinators. Constant procrastination "for later" is also seen in older adults - 15% to 20% of people past college age are also prone to procrastination.
There are some tips that help to combat procrastination and do not require any complicated actions. The main thing is not to put off working on yourself "for later.
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